2011년 3월 7일 월요일

of books & more

with last week being a rather eventful week, this week has began with a rather muted pace.. not that i mind that much.

sat was spent somewhat in a daze, owing to a severe lack of sleep. i think i had only 4hrs of sleep before i went off to class at 종각. headed off to Bandi & Luni's for a look see before going home. i realised that due d, being very diff from audit, required some in depth knowledege & what little i knew wasn't really gonna serve me that well.

stumbled upon the Mckinsey Valuation book in Bandi & Luni.. n it was going for only 48,000won (USD$43.44) as opposed to USD$54.88 on Amazon or USD$63.53 on Bookdepository

there were quite a no of textbooks on valuation to choose from, but i chose this cause of the Mckinsey brand.. haha. i know its a pretty lame way to choose a book, but that was about all i could do, seeing as how the books were sealed up in plastic wrap. but it seems that i made the right choice, cause most of my colleagues had the textbook (the korean version) in the office! haha.

am now waiting for the textbook to be out!

but i suppose it'll probably take some time to arrive in Korea. its pretty pricey even on Bookdepository, going for approx USD$30? and around USD$20.55 on Amazon.

n i've booked my tickets to Taiwan!! or rather, redeemed my mileage. hahaha. Yvonne found a really classy hotel for quite a gd price! though its a little out of the way, i guess we'll survive. :P will update with pictures/price/location of the hotel when i get back tonight or sth!

and and! i'm going for steak @ Tony Roma's tonight with 수연! one of my colleagues passed me a one for one coupon & we're gonna make use of it before it expires. though i'm really full now.. had a pretty filling lunch with the partner + 2 other colleagues. 안심토마토파스타! i've no idea how i'm gonna have steak tonight too...

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