2011년 2월 18일 금요일

retail therapy & more

my excellent haul of F21 goodies within a span of 2 weeks & after working horrendous hours over a few days..
why do i foresee even more things to come?
this is bad.. tsk tsk tsk. i should really kick this bad habit..

had dinner with 해나언니 @ 광화문.. she had to work late even on a friday.. poor thing.. though i faced the same fate sometime last week. the perils of work. oh well. i guess its something that we all have to go through.

looks like i'll be heading to Qingdao in April on a biz trip.. hope that its not too bad.. my very 1st trip to China. how exciting indeed.

and its Taiwan in May & maybe Europe in Sept? though i'm not sure how the Europe trip's gonna work out with just 2 of us.. accom's gonna be a killer! eeeeks. and i guess i'll round off the year with a trip back to sunny SG.. lovely 2011 indeed!

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