2009년 10월 26일 월요일

estranged from normal-cy..

been reading through my seniors as well as my ex classmates' blogs and am, dare i say it, envious of the life that they are leading right now. coming from very much an Arts background, where literary reads, art and music were the norm, i never expected myself to end up in something so practical like accounts. perhaps its reality that scares me. somehow, i have always envisioned myself doing the thing that i love and not what i need. money over enjoyment, practicality over dreams. is there really no space for dreamers in a pragmatic society such as ours? whereby money, fame and fortune are the rules of the game?

we were allowed to dream, allowed to imagine ourselves travelling across the world, exploring, eating and enriching ourselves through our travels. we saw the world through the pages of books. but it was not enough. it left us wanting more. sadly, graduation saw us grow up, don suits and ties and enter the rigorous working world where cash is king.

perhaps i'm jaded, or perhaps its resignation.. i really don't know..

댓글 1개:

  1. thank you for the lovely comment you left on my blog! greetings from snowy england. ♥
