2008년 7월 5일 토요일

of roomies & more

ok. i thought it was me at first, but its not. i think my room has turned into an exhibition hall of sorts, starring my roomie! i've been telling jenna & the rest abt her & it has gotten them so excited that they keep coming to visit. jenna's scheduled for a visit this coming tues. i really think i should start charging admission fees. even at ₩1000 per visit, i think i'll be rich in no time. :D but yeah. i've no idea y she's like kinda unfriendly. doremon & i came to the conclusion that its her personality that's like diff from mine. cause its like we don't really talk to each other unless absolutely necessary. i thought it was the language barrier at first, but no. i get along just fine with shino & my other japanese friends. n she's kinda fanatic abt cleanliness as well. AND she hates the aircon! omg. u know how hot it has been lately in seoul? n she doesn't wanna turn on the aircon!!!! even with the window open, it doesn't help one bit cause there's like a brick wall outside the window, blocking the wind. n i can't sleep when its too hot! i need to find a way to like make her turn on the AC!

so i figured i'll try killing her with kindness. cause if like someone is nice to u, u can't help but be nice back right? i'm like bored. there's only so much of the computer that i can take. i need to TALK TO SOMEONE. i've resorted to skyping jenna & doremon occasionally when i'm bored. gosh. a typical conversation btw us goes like that:

me: onni, i'm hot!
her: really?? i'm fine.
me: but onni, i'm really really hot! *fans myself vigorously*
her: oh.. ok. but i'm fine.
----------- end of convo---------------

so u see, either she doesn't get the hint or she's pretending that she doesn't get it. jenna said that i shd just heck & turn on the AC whenever she turns it on. doremon's suggestion was even better. turn on the aircon, set it to the lowest temperature, take the AC remote & walk out of the dorm with it. hahaa. evilllll.....

but well. i'm nice. must continue to pray that she'll turn around & TURN ON THE AC!!

댓글 1개:

  1. you get along well with your other jap friends cos you are not living with them...

    according to my jap friends, jap people don't really like to live with "strangers" so i guess that's why your roomie hasn't been very friendly.

    i think if you had met her under different circumstances you 2 would get along just fine. :)
